Who we are
Maquelle Garcia
Postdoctoral Research Associate
I'm a Forest Engineer whose background is in ecophysiology. I'm interested in understanding hydraulic mechanisms associated with carbon gain and tree mortality in tropical forests. In my postdoctoral position, I am interested in developing my skills in remote sensing, focusing on upscaling forest ecophysiological responses.
Emmelia Braun
PhD Student
My research interests lie in remote sensing techniques to measure plant functional diversity. In particular, I am interested in how functional diversity is altered at both the individual plant and ecosystem scales due to changing climate conditions.
Loren Albert
Assistant Professor
I investigate the interactions between climate variability and terrestrial ecosystems, especially forests. My research uses traditional plant physiology tools, eddy covariance, and remote sensing in field campaigns, experiments, and models.
Charles Southwick
PhD Student
I’m a forest ecophysiologist interested in understanding the mechanisms driving photosynthesis and carbon sequestration at different scales. I’m particularly excited about combining satellite remote sensing with robust field measurements to gain a holistic and scalable understanding of forest function. In the past I have worked in a variety of forest ecosystems, and I’m now thrilled to be working in the tropics and the temperate mid-Atlantic.
Koral Hickey
I am interested in plants, microbes, and medicine. Through the WVU Research Apprenticeship Program I am reviewing literature on tropical forest structure and physiology.